

We are very pleased about your interest in DAVINC-E X Labs GmbH. The use of our internet pages is possible without any indication of personal data. However, if you want to use special services of our enterprise via our website, processing of your personal data could become necessary. If the processing of personal data is necessary and there is no legal basis for such processing, we generally obtain the consent of the data subject. We have implemented numerous technical and organisational measures to ensure the most complete protection possible for the personal data processed via this website. Nevertheless, Internet-based data transmissions can always have security vulnerabilities, so that absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, every data subject is free to transmit personal data to us by alternative means, for example by telephone.

1. Definitions

We use the following terms, among others, in this privacy policy:personal data:

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter "data subject"). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Data subject: The data subject is any identified or identifiable natural person whose personal data are processed by the controller.

Processing: Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organisation, filing, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Restriction of processing: Restriction of processing is the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting their future processing.

Profiling: profiling is any type of automated processing of personal data which consists of using such personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects relating to that natural person's performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or change of location.

Pseudonymisation: Pseudonymisation is the processing of personal data in such a way that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organisational measures which ensure that the personal data are not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Controller: The controller is the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. Where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its designation may be provided for under Union or Member State law.

Processor: A processor is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

Recipient: a recipient is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to whom personal data are disclosed, whether or not a third party. However, public authorities that may receive personal data in the context of a specific investigative task under Union or Member State law shall not be considered as recipients.

Third party: a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body other than the data subject, the controller, the processor and the persons authorised to process the personal data under the direct responsibility of the controller or the processor.Consent: Consent shall mean any freely given specific and informed indication of the data subject's wishes in the form of a statement or other unambiguous affirmative act by which the data subject signifies his or her agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.

2. Controller

The controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation is:

Neureutherstr. 2
80799 Munich

3. Data Protection Officer

The data protection officer of the controller is:

Robin Pilling
Neureutherstr. 2
80799 Munich

Any data subject may contact our data protection officer directly at any time with any questions or suggestions regarding data protection.

4. Cookies

Our website uses cookies, which are text files stored on a computer system via an internet browser. Cookies help us provide more user-friendly services that would not be possible without their use. For instance, cookies can recognize repeat visitors and save their login information, streamlining the user experience.

You can prevent cookies from being set by adjusting your internet browser settings. Additionally, cookies can be deleted at any time through your internet browser or other software programs. Please note that disabling cookies might affect the functionality of our website.

5. Collection of general data and information

The website of the DAVINC-E X Labs GmbH collects a series of general data and information every time a data subject or automated system calls up the website. This general data and information is stored in the log files of the server. The following can be recorded

- browser types and versions used,

- the operating system used by the accessing system,

- the website from which an accessing system arrives at our website (so-called referrer),

- the sub-websites that are accessed via an accessing system on our website,

- the date and time of access to the website,

- an internet protocol (IP) address,

- the Internet service provider of the accessing system and

- other similar data and information that serve to avert danger in the event of attacks on our information technology systems.

When using these general data and information, the DAVINC-E X Labs GmbH does not draw any conclusions about the data subject. This information is rather required in order to

- deliver the contents of our website correctly,

- optimise the content of our website and the advertising for it,

- ensure the permanent functionality of our information technology systems and the technology of our website, and

- to provide law enforcement authorities with the information necessary for prosecution in the event of a cyber attack.

Therefore, the DAVINC-E X Labs GmbH analyzes anonymously collected data and information on one hand for statistical purposes and on the other hand for the purpose of increasing the data protection and data security of our enterprise, and ultimately ensuring an optimal level of protection for the personal data we process. The anonymous data of the server log files are stored separately from any personal data provided by a data subject.

6. Contact via our website

The website of the DAVINC-E X Labs GmbH contains legal requirements which enable a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the controller by e-mail or by using a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject will be stored automatically. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by a data subject to the controller will be stored for the purposes of processing or contacting the data subject. This personal data will not be disclosed to third parties.

7. Data protection application procedure

The controller collects and processes the personal data of applicants for the purpose of managing the application procedure. The processing may also take place by electronic means. This is in particular the case when an applicant submits relevant application documents to the controller by electronic means, for example by e-mail. If the controller concludes an employment contract with an applicant, the transmitted data will be stored for the purpose of processing the employment relationship in compliance with the statutory provisions. If the controller does not conclude an employment contract with the applicant, the application documents are automatically deleted six months after the notification of the rejection decision, provided that no other legitimate interests of the controller conflict with such deletion. Other legitimate interest in this sense is, for example, a duty to provide evidence in proceedings under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

8. Routine deletion and blocking of personal data

The controller shall process and store personal data of the data subject only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose of storage or where provided for by the European Directive and Regulation or other legislator in laws or regulations to which the controller is subject.

If the purpose of storage no longer applies or if a storage period prescribed by the European Directive and Regulation or another competent legislator expires, the personal data will be routinely blocked or deleted in accordance with the statutory provisions.

9. Your rights

Every data subject has the right toto information pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPRthe right of rectification under Article 16 of the GDPRthe right to erasure in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPRthe right to restriction of processing under Article 18 of the GDPRthe right to object under Article 21 of the GDPR, andthe right to data portability under Article 20 of the GDPR.With regard to the right to information and the right of deletion, the restrictions pursuant to Sections 34 and 35 BDSG apply. Furthermore, there is a right of appeal to a competent data protection supervisory authority (Article 77 GDPR in conjunction with & 19 BDSG).

You can revoke your consent to the processing of personal data at any time.

Please note that the revocation only takes effect for the future. Processing that took place before the revocation is not affected.

10. Data protection on social networks

DAVINC-E X Labs GmbH maintains online presences within social networks and processes user data in this context in order to communicate with users active there or to offer information about us. We would like to point out that user data may be processed outside the European Union. This may result in risks for the users because, for example, it could make it more difficult to enforce the rights of the users.

Furthermore, user data within social networks is usually processed for market research and advertising purposes. For example, usage profiles can be created based on the usage behaviour and resulting interests of the users. The usage profiles can in turn be used, for example, to place advertisements within and outside the networks that presumably correspond to the interests of the users. For these purposes, cookies are usually stored on the users' computers, in which the usage behaviour and the interests of the users are stored. Furthermore, data independent of the devices used by the users may also be stored in the usage profiles (especially if the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged in to them).

For a detailed presentation of the respective forms of processing and the options to object (opt-out), we refer to the data protection declarations and information provided by the operators of the respective networks.

In the case of requests for information and the assertion of data subject rights, we would also like to point out that these can be asserted most effectively with the providers. Only the providers have access to the users' data and can take appropriate measures and provide information directly. If you still need help, you can contact us.

- Types of data processed: contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers); content data (e.g. entries in online forms); usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times); meta, communication and process data (e.g. IP addresses, time data, identification numbers, consent status).

- Data subjects: Users (e.g. website visitors, users of online services).

- Purposes of processing: contact requests and communication; feedback (e.g. collecting feedback via online form); marketing.

- Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f) GDPR).Further guidance on processing operations, procedures and services:

Further guidance on processing operations, procedures and services:

LinkedIn: Social network;
Service Provider: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland;
Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f) GDPR);
Website: ;
Privacy Policy: ;
Order processing contract: ;
Standard contractual clauses (guaranteeing the level of data protection for processing in third countries): ;

11. Data processing in third countries

If we process data in a third country (i.e., outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA)) or the processing takes place in the context of the use of third-party services or the disclosure or transfer of data to other persons, bodies or companies, this is only done in accordance with the legal requirements.Subject to express consent or contractually or legally required transfer, we only process or have data processed in third countries with a recognised level of data protection, contractual obligation through so-called standard protection clauses of the EU Commission, in the presence of certifications or binding internal data protection regulations (Art. 44 to 49 GDPR, information page of the EU Commission)

12. Events and pictures

If you attend an event organised by DAVINC-E X Labs GmbH, personal data will be processed for the purpose of organising the event in accordance with the following instructions.In particular, the following categories of personal data may be processed for the implementation of the event:

- Name and contact details (e-mail, telephone)

- Information on the employment relationship (legal company, job title)

- Dates for participation in workshops

.- Event pictures

- Data on participation in the event as such

If you provide personal data of other persons as part of the application/registration process, you agree that it is your responsibility to obtain the consent of such third persons in accordance with applicable law.

Our events are regularly accompanied by photographers or film teams who take pictures or video recordings ("recordings") of the event. The event recordings are made and published on the basis of the legitimate interest of the responsible person in pictorial reporting, unless the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject, which require the protection of personal data, prevail (Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. f GDPR).

The recordings are made for the purpose of public relations and published on our website, our social media channels or on the event website.

13. Legal basis for the processing

Below you will find an overview of the legal basis of the GDPR on the basis of which we process personal data. Please note that in addition to the provisions of the GDPR, national data protection regulations may apply in your or our country of residence or domicile. Should more specific legal bases be relevant in individual cases, we will inform you of these in the data protection declaration.

Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 sent. 1 lit. a) GDPR) - The data subject has given his/her consent to the processing of personal data relating to him/her for a specific purpose or purposes.

Contract performance and pre-contractual enquiries (Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. b) GDPR) - Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures taken at the data subject's request.

Legal obligation (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. c) GDPR) - Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

Legitimate interests (Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. f) GDPR) - Processing is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, unless such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require the protection of personal data.

In addition to the data protection regulations of the GDPR, national regulations on data protection apply in Germany. These include, in particular, the Act on Protection against Misuse of Personal Data in Data Processing (Federal Data Protection Act - BDSG). In particular, the BDSG contains special regulations on the right to information, the right to erasure, the right to object, the processing of special categories of personal data, the processing for other purposes and the transmission and automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling. Furthermore, it regulates data processing for purposes of the employment relationship (Section 26 BDSG), in particular with regard to the establishment, implementation or termination of employment relationships as well as the consent of employees. Furthermore, data protection laws of the individual federal states may apply.

14. Legitimate interests in the processing pursued by the controller or a third party

If the processing of personal data is based on Article 6 I lit. f DS-GVO, our legitimate interest is the performance of our business activities for the benefit of the well-being of all our employees and our shareholders.

15. Duration of the data storage

The criterion for the duration of the storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After expiry of the period, the corresponding data is routinely deleted if it is no longer required for the fulfilment or initiation of the contract.

16. Legal or contractual requirements to provide the personal data; necessity for the conclusion of the contract; obligation of the data subject to provide the personal data; possible consequences of not providing the personal data

We would like to inform you that the provision of personal data is sometimes required by law (e.g. tax regulations) or may also result from contractual regulations (e.g. information on the contractual partner). Sometimes, in order to conclude a contract, it may be necessary for a data subject to provide us with personal data that must subsequently be processed by us. For example, the data subject is obliged to provide us with personal data if our company concludes a contract with him or her. Failure to provide the personal data would mean that the contract with the data subject could not be concluded. Before providing personal data by the data subject, the data subject must contact our data protection officer. Our data protection officer will inform the data subject on a case-by-case basis whether the provision of the personal data is required by law or contract or is necessary for the conclusion of the contract, whether there is an obligation to provide the personal data and what the consequences of not providing the personal data would be.

17. Existence of automated decision makingAs a responsible company, we do not use automatic decision-making or profiling.

Status: 06.06.2024

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